POG's Journal



Hi Everyone,

I got to the workshop at 8 and got busy, I started cleaning up the room known as “the clean room”, it is actually a dumping ground, anyway it is a lot better now but still more to do there, which I will try to complete tomorrow and maybe make a start on the storeroom. 

I left around 2 and when home I uploaded the daily Instagram picture and then decided to get busy in the garden. I replenished the woodstore in the picture and moved to other logs to another store. I then decided to do a little bit more in the garden and made some progress on what could be loosely be called a patio (a lump of concrete at the back of the house). Well, it is not perfect but at least I have started. 

For many years I said my garden reflects my mental health. If the garden looks good, it means I have spent time out there and as we all know being outside is far better for you than stuck in a workshop or making and watching YouTube videos. I think I may venture out there every day after the workshop for an hour or so, I am sure it will do me good.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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