How weird?

Today I did something that I never normally do. I sat right next to the balcony door. What a weird thing for me to do. I never go out onto the balcony in the winter because it's far too cold. Ann thought I maybe wanted to go to the toilet even though I'd just come back from my walk or needed to be sick but do you know what I did when the door was opened?................. I ran straight out and retrieved a rather lovely stick that I had found and brought home before Christmas.

Normally I don't bother bringing sticks home any more because Ann makes me keep them on the balcony and then when she thinks I'm not looking, she disposes of them.

Today, it was like I'd just remembered that my rather lovely stick was still there.

I happily lay down with it because I felt like chewing it, but it was absolutely freezing on the balcony and with the cost of our energy bills no way was Ann going to leave the door open for all the heat to escape. Nor was she going to shut the door and leave me out on the balcony by myself.

I've been allowed to bring my rather lovely stick into the house so I'm happily lying on the rug chewing it. Yay!

Our friend, Iain, is coming round for his tea in an hour or so and I've got a bit of a dilemma now. Iain is one of my favourite people, so obviously I'll have to give him a really nice greeting. My problem is.................... while I'm greeting Iain, do you think that Ann is going to think I'm distracted and dispose of my rather lovely stick?

Mmmmmm............... I'm going to have to work out a very cunning plan so that I can give Iain a nice greeting but also ensure that my rather lovely stick does not get disposed off. 

Sometimes it's hard work being a gorgeous little Collie pup!!

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