A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Jackson perfecting the art of turning everything into a game.

It's something I'd like to work with more.

But not right now as today has so far been another in the series of slightly out of balance days. It's tempting to just give in to it but I know that my mental health will be better if I don't.

After some mad rushing of children between activities tonight will end with dinner out with dear friends who seem to live in so many countries at once I wouldn't know quite where to place them and who happily are in our hemisphere on the night we have booked a sitter.

A huge thank you for all the good wishes on yesterday's blip. I thought I really ought to mark the shiny new camera with an image taken with a camera as opposed to a phone. But no doubt normal iPhone service will be resumed tomorrow!

Lesley x

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