twinned with trumpton


With the dog in my possession whilst She went off to the Toon to meet Her brother for lunch, I arranged to meet Baz at Porty; he brought along Brodie - his sister's dog who he has charge of just now as she awaits a quadruple heart bypass. So we took advantage of the decent day and walked up to Seafield  sewerage works and back - we know how to have a good time, eh?

A pleasant couple of hours done, and then I boarded a bus back home; taking in the bakery on the way back to grab the 2nd last loaf of sourdough. 

After all the fresh air and exercise, I settled in to watch the Accrington Stanley take on Leeds in the FA Cup; although in truth both me and Loki dozed through the game.

We then headed back into town; She was coming up the street as we approached from the other end and met almost outside Her door!

After Her lunch in Newcastle, dinner was a modest affair; cod and kale before I finally headed homeat the witching hour.

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