Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda

Orchis with spotted leafs

I found this purple orchis with spotted leafs in a beach wood next to the beech. I don't know the name. You?

We were walking this afternoon. Enjoying the sun and the nice temperature. Again saw a deer and we were touched by the silence of a small lake hidden in the woods.

An oystercatcher was the only bird we saw at the seaside.
I'll put my pictures in a map on Flickr so you can watch them all.

Our time in Danmark is over. Early in the morning we drive back home.
It was a fantastic week which started with the 3 day party for the 60e birthday of my danish friend Lone. My friends were present and I loved to be with them. In myself I felt the luck to have these friends. Now for 30 years.

After everyone left we stayed 4 more days and enjoyed the silence and beauty of the island Als next to the lille belt. We were lucky to have nice walking weather.

Wish you all a good Pentecost weekend.

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