A morning Robin,
catching a worm and causing
alarm to a dog.
I had a physio appointment today so I spent the morning trying to wear Leo out before I went so that he'd be quiet for Mr KCNQ2Haiku. We had a fun morning playing in the garden and having a walk in the local park but the 'wearing out' didn't materialise and he was a monkey when I was gone apparently. Sigh.
Ben was a bit of a handful coming home from school too, he has put a trolley token, one of those pound coin things, in the CD slot in the car radio and now nothing works properly. It works fleetingly and then stops what it's doing to play a CD (except it's not a CD, it's a trolley token and it's not very melodic..). It's very annoying, I have been listening to the radio and every 30 seconds or so the radio stops, the CD player whirrs and then it returns to the radio, just in time for me to have missed the end of the sentence. Gah. Mr KCNQ2Haiku suggested sticking a metal coat hanger in there and swooshing around to see if we can move the token to a place that the CD laser thing won't scan.. I have had a good rummage with the hanger but to no avail.. So Ben was cross in the car on the way home, it's not just that the radio stops periodically but also if the radio is turned off it randomly turns back on. I can see one of us going at it with a sledgehammer if it continues :-/ Also Ben was agitated because he has travel training tomorrow and he knows they're going on a train to Manchester airport. He suddenly decided he needed to know if it was a north western train or a trans pennine train and was shouting at me to stop the car because he couldn't get it out of his head. Also he wanted me to stop and buy a bottle of water as he had broken his bottle at school during the day. It was not an easy ride home but we made it and remarkably Leo slept through it all (or maybe he was just keeping his head down..)
Photo was the robin in the garden this morning who was staying really close to us when Leo went out for a wee, I didn't realise until afterwards that I think we'd disturbed him digging up a worm so rather than staying close to us I think he was just guarding his worm! As we walked away he darted to retrieve it :-D It was still a bit of fun and he did appear very tame. Leo was not sure but seemed less freaked than with pigeons, so that's something!!
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