Spring Cleaning
With just a few days left here in France, it seems as though there is a lot that needs to get done. We already have one more hike planned with Max, a dinner at Sophie and Guillaume's with the teachers from my school, and apèro at one of Spencer's teacher's homes. In addition to packing and cleaning and saying goodbye, we have on the to-do list to close out bank account, terminate our phone contract, finish some job applications, buy presents to bring home... Today has been productive; Spencer and I have both worked on the job application front, bought some things for the apartment that we needed to replace, did our possibly last grocery shop in France, and got a couple of small gifts to bring home.
6 days until we fly...
I blipped this statue back on January 10th on a snowy night. Back then it was greenish black, but now it's shiny and coppery again. Town-wide spring cleaning, apparently.
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