
It seems I am a creature of habit, as Blip records that I was also at the Lakes Players Panto exactly a year ago! A bit more daring with the photo this year as I risked a shot of the curtain call, reasoning that if they threw me out for taking photos at this point, I’d still have seen the show.
As I explained last year, the Lakes Player’s Panto is a very different animal to our production. They hire in their scenery and costumes, have commercial sponsors and like to put in a UV scene at one point. They also have a lot of song and dance numbers involving juniors and adults (and any spare cast members they can slot in), which all makes for a spectacular looking show but also one which - to me - felt a little disjointed. It seemed to alternate front of tabs scenes featuring the principals trading jokes with big song and dance numbers, until someone suddenly realised that the show needed to end, so the baddy was swiftly vanquished and the Princess and Aladdin were married.
All in all though, an enjoyable evening with much laughter. Even spotted a few ex-BATS members in the cast, including my friend John who gave an excellent performance as the wicked Abanazer. I enjoyed booing him at the top of my voice every time he appeared!
So, whose Panto is better - ours or theirs? Well, you know I’m going to say ours, but I may be a bit biased. Let’s just say it can only be a good thing that there are two quality pantomimes to go and see in South Lakeland in January. Whether you go to one or both, you’re going to be thoroughly entertained.

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