Bloody, but Unbowed

My Sunday coffee ritual went ahead this morning with a Merry Widow and me , both masked, sitting in our thermal outerwear on the patio in a stiff breeze drinking take away coffees.That took quite a lot of grim determination and resolve considering the temperature and was horribly reminiscent of things in the recent past. Christmas Dinner 2020 springs to mind.
Still, needs must and I got to hear of what I missed yesterday.

With my isolation comes the position of voyeur, watching the world go by on the other side of the railings. It serves to reinforce the fact that whatever happens to me, the world does not stop for a second but flows along as ever without me.
As a child I remember thinking it wasn’t possible for the world to keep going if I wasn’t in it - you understand things differently as you get older.

My ‘dooking‘ Sue C and her husband are off to Madeira tomorrow and while I feel a tad envious of their change of scene, she couldn’t be away at a better time for me when I can’t brave the waves for another week.

I felt my little wild pansies deserved recognition for having bloomed incessantly since last September, despite the frost and snow. Little troopers

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