Women Talking....

..doesn't sound like a Go-To movie, right? Women talking...endlessly..yada yada yada..but I went anyway with my two fellow book clubbers Sandy and Elaine.."When shall we three meet again?" we had asked after our last meeting. Why not at a movie made from a book? One that has now been nominated for two Oscars? Done!

None of us had read the book by Miriam Toews so we went in to the movie not really knowing what to expect...A movie about a group of women engaging in an almost Socratic dialogue, weighing the pros and cons of a decision they had to make in light of a traumatic event, set in a hayloft in dim lighting, with a "colour-drained palette" didn't seem too promising at first, but it did not disappoint.

We exited the movie almost in silence..with none of the usual exuberant chatter about "What did you think? Wasn't that great?" or  "Duh, not worth the cost of  admission"..No, it was silence...and.." I think I need to go home and process all that."  

The story presented in the book and the movie is a fictionalized version of a true event..a horrific event. To think that this was based on a true story and not in the distant past, was mind-boggling..and to learn that the movie's ending was indeed fiction - that it was not the decision the women in the real event made, was even more so. 

Methinks that the next time "we three" meet, we will be more ready to discuss our personal reactions to the movie..with a glass of wine in hand...

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