The elephant... the room (I think this is called). Made of broken up piano bits, with the tips of the tusks being old ivory keys.

After the disappointment of the market (no Pie Dolly - Stewart Bremner equally devastated!!) I went down to Ocean Terminal to pick up a prescription at Boots. Had 15 min to wait so went to Waterstones and inevitably bought a book. Rukhmini Iyer's India Express - looks very good.

OT was the busiest I've seen it in ages (although it's probably a v long time since I was there on a Saturday). The former Debenhams (behind the tusks) seems to be housing lots of community enterprises (The Wee Hub) and there was the cheery sound of ping-pong being played - 'Pop in and Play' has opened up with 4 or 5 tables in it, which were all in use. Oh, look - it seems to be free!

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