Up the Shard

A challenging start to the day. I fell over on the beach, proper flat of my face tripping over a big stone. Onto lots of wet sand so could have been worse but proper winded myself. It was only after I got myself up and started walking home I realised I had landed on my bag of dog poo which had burst all over the front of my coat. I was a proper sight, covered in wet sand and dog shit waiting for a gap in the park run people so I could get home.

Anyway, everything on the up, after I showered, put everything in the washing machine and found another coat, Will and I got on the London bound train, collected my mum and Clare as we went through Hove and we went for Christmas treat meal in Hutong up the Shard. Stunning food, views, service, company. A proper fun afternoon. And then (because I had used up all the bad things that could happen), we left, walked casually to the train station where our train was just waiting for us to get on before leaving. And we have a box of leftovers. Proper top.

And lots of extras apart from the moody teenager shot.

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