All about the birds today....
We did the Garden Bird Watch today from 10 to 11am and were delighted with the variety of birds that put in an appearance. Particularly pleased to see the black cap (seen in the garden for the first time about a month ago), the starlings (rare visitors to our patch) and the wren (which I wouldn't have spotted if I hadn't been scouring the garden for the hour).
Landing in the garden we had...... 2 starlings, 1 great tit, 2 collared doves, 6 goldfinches, 3 sparrows, 3 chaffinches, 2 blackbirds, 3 wood pigeons, 2 greenfinches, 1 robin, 1 rook, 1 crow, 1 black cap and 1 wren.
The sweet metal robin is made in South Africa from recycled machine parts and was a present from Julia.
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