4th or 5th member

So our house contains 3 of us. Me, MrsW and Lily the cat. 
There are however 2 others who could claim to be members of the family. They are the collared doves who live in the conifer at the bottom of the garden. They have lived in the garden probably as long as we have, maybe longer, and raised several broods who have flown the nest from that conifer. 
MrsW takes them breakfast and stops for a chat in the mornings particularly in the winter and when they are raising their young. Lily the cat has come to an understanding with them and confident in the pecking order that makes sure she has breakfast before them is happy to leave them alone, although we always keep an eye on her just in case. 
Avoiding any avian tragedies they will probably be with us for a while. The conifer is much to large for the greenhouse which it stands next too. I had once intended to take it down but I can't see that happening any time in the near future....

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