
By ArachneToo

First fix sockets

My extension is going to give me room for a larger kitchen with a dining space. So what was the backroom/dining room is now cut in two to create a wetroom/loo and a separate utility room. I've never had one of those before - it will be a real luxury. Recently the architect suggested moving the washing machine from where it was on the utility room plan to the opposite corner and I agreed. The new plan went to the electrician who then put in the wiring for the washing machine. Only trouble was, the plumber had already installed the water supply and waste pile in the original position. Ah. It's easier to move wiring than plumbing, so a few days ago the electrician moved the supply to the washing machine's original position. 

This is my last house and it's designed so that I can live on just the ground floor if necessary. I woke up last night thinking that if/when that time comes, it would be good not to have to bend down to the washing machine so it might be worth building a plinth to raise it at this stage. Then I realised that the utility room sockets would then be hidden behind the washing machine. So I raced to the house before work to talk with the site foreman. Luckily the electrician was also there and although he may well have expressed displeasure if I'd presented him with yet another change of plan myself, the foreman understood, agreed and asked the electrician if he could move them. The sockets here are now a bit further right than they were.

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