Random Ramblings

By McJax

West Falkland

Another amazing day setting foot on the Falkland Islands for the first time.

In the morning we visted Saunders Island, fourth largest of the Falkland islands, privately owned and run as a sheep farm. Beautiful scenery and a welcome hike along the hillside to get very close to albatross chicks and rockhopper penguins. Also a few magellenic penguins, and king penguins down on the very tropical-looking white sand beach.

In the afternoon, we landed at West Point Island, another stunning location with more close encounters with albatross and rockhoppers. Another decent long walk, I think we did around 16k steps today - well above the average of the last 2 weeks onboard!

A highlight of the afternoon was tea & cake generously provided by Kicki Ericson ... who with her partner Thies constitute half the population of the island.

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