Misty morning run

This student runs most mornings, rain or shine, before school. You can just see him in the distance. I was taking some photos of our new Events Centre, which will open in a few weeks' time. He ran through my shot. I don't think I'll ever tire of the beautiful sunrises we get across the school field.

I started work at 8.10 this morning and got home at 8.40 pm. It's been a long day (Open Day) at school and the highlight was having some good conversations with students during our (numerous) lulls in activity.

I've been home for ten minutes and there is no heating on. I have a full-blown cold and am going to straight to bed. Hopefully the electric blanket won't take too long to warm up.

Pio's still limping quite badly. I'm not sure where we go from here. At least he's taking his pills and medicine like a man.

Night all.


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