
Probably this would be termed wet land due to heavy rain, rather than a part of wetlands. However, what I did notice as I walked through a small piece of regenerating rain forest, from Waima Crescent to Boylan Road on the Waima Boylan Terrace, is that there were collections of water like is shown in my photo, but largely the land under the trees was wet but stable. 

Excess water is carried under the pathway by pipes and the force of the water has scoured out some of the land there. More strikingly, the steps in the path had had large proportions of the stones filling the steps gouged out. Another section of the path contains a reasonably deep pool, encouraging me to work on the edge of the bush where it was more stable.

Human moulding of the natural environment makes the response to weather like we had yesterday (and may have again tomorrow) much more damaging.

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