Goodbye Crumble

We knew she was ill and I had prepared A & M for the fact we might lose her but none of us expected her to die so quickly!
She had seemed quite unwell in the morning but I managed to give her the antibiotics.
Sadly though, when we arrived home we discovered her dead. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sound of Anya’s scream followed shortly by Max when I told them. They were so so sad. It seemed so cruel to have lost her when she was just approaching two years old and her poor sister, Snowball is left alone.
Yes, it’s just a guinea pig but Anya loved her so much and it broke my heart to see her heart broken.
It’s a life lesson in loss and thank goodness their first experience of grief is with a pet.
Now to decide whether we need to get another to keep Snowball company… I’m not sure I can cope!

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