
Snowdrops, a few pink Cyclamen coum, a purple crocus and now this beautiful blue of Scilla sibirica.  Small tokens, welcome spots of colour in the winter garden.

Despite the forecast for a cloudy day, here along the coast it was often sunny.  Cold but bright.  I am still tired so have again taken it gently.  Took delivery of pots and hanging baskets, some of which I hope to use for the Achimenes and other summer flowering house plants.   The main event today was a visit to the solicitor to sort out a will.  The same solicitor as when I bought this house three years ago, local, well respected, uncomplicated and down to earth.   A long outstanding job that will soon be completed.   

A gentle dog walk at sunset along the footpath towards Bryncrug.  The light from the low sun painted the hills many colours as I walked, the shadows ever longer.  Extra pics - I couldn't decide which I liked best!   Tea at Jamie's and a quiet evening in while he is online gaming with Clara and Tilda.

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