
By CathyH

Chasing Snow

I was disappointed that we didn't get any snow this week.Jerry suggested that I head north where the heavier snow had fallen.It's been two days since it snowed, so I wasn't sure I'd find much. But, I did!  I drove about an hour before I begin to see beautiful snowscenes.

As I passed through the small town of Drasco, I spotted a cemetery sign. I couldn't resist walking through a cemetery in the snow. Beside the cemetery was a small white church, Antioch Union Church established around 1870. I never know when I head out wandering what I'll find. This day was perfect. Pretty snow, churches, barns, fields, cattle, snowcapped hay bales, ponds, ice, and an old cemetery!  I was gone about 5 1/2 hours, most of them just wandering. I'm tired tonight. I'm not used to so much driving! 

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