Penguin Droppings

By gen2


A bit of a cheat really because the main image was blipped on 5th July 2022.  The only new elements are the figure and the colour which is courtesy of the sunrise.

I was looking for something to enter in the next club competition and thought this old photo had potential if I was able to include a figure, so I set about that today.  The sunrise colours have made it look more like autumn.

I did an alternatve version that is added as an extra, but I think the main blip has more chance of a good score, depending on the Judge of course.

Lots of layers went into this.
Three ICMs and two straight images of the woodland.
1 layer of a lone figure on the beach
1 blurred layer of the dawn colours taken with a long telephoto because the only warm colour was restricted to a very narrow band on the horizon.

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