
I understand why coal has been phased out and we'll lose smokeless fuel soon but... I grew up in a house with a coal fire (that was the only heating in the house except for an electric fire in the front room that was only used on very rare occasions). The smell of burning coal is evocative. Anyways, I've lit the fire because there is no point in going out for logs (and coal) and not using them. 

Another busy day is staggering to a rest, it included a meeting with a colleague's dog (the dog was on her lap and kept moving in front of her so that it appeared that there was just the dog on that end of the meeting). The morning was enlivened by the Microsoft outage which mean that we couldn't access our emails; lots of phone calls to check that it wasn't just me and then to discuss the stuff we might otherwise have put in an email. It's always nice to have a chat with colleagues but it was hectic.   

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