Jan 24

Traffic going to Halifax was snarled this morning, I'm glad I didn't have to go to work today. The roads were slippery this morning and there was an accident on one of the bridges, and it shut the bridge down completely for a few hours, which meant all the morning traffic had to detour across one bridge. Because of that, I decided to get my MCA merchandising assignments done today and hope that the rare bird is still around on Friday.
After I finished I decided to go to Sullivan's Pond to see if the wood duck was around. There was another couple there, both with big cameras, but the woman didn't seem as interested in taking photos as the guy did. She had been tossing some seed onto the grass, which brought all the ducks out of the water. Once the ducks were on the bank, then the guy decides to walk closer to the water, which flushed all the ducks back into the pond. I know he did it, hoping that he would get a photo of the wood duck in flight, but I didn't think it was very nice of him. After a few minutes, many of the ducks headed back to where they had been feeding. Then the guy came back up to where his gf had sat down on a bench, scaring the ducks back into the water again. I took a few photos, then left. If I had stayed around, I might have said something about being a responsible birder, and not scaring the birds. The wood duck is not rare for here, just unusual to see them in the winter.
Both of my new roommates moved in today. Hopefully everything will go well with them living here.

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