POG's Journal


A few challenges…

Hi Everyone,

The photo is a cage for the new camera… as normal you end up buying a camera and spending more money on accessories… a few more are winging their way to me, which I will share with you.

I had a little time in the workshop today and managed to finish this phase of the Giant Halfway project… I have been editing the video ready for release tomorrow. I am pleased it is out of the way.

My brother is still in hospital… another Rota has been created to ensure he gets a visitor each day, he has an infection and fluid on his lungs again.

My daughter ended up in hospital here in Portsmouth yesterday whilst I was with my brother. There is some issues with her LP shunt… more tests planned for tomorrow and she may get transferred to Southampton where they fitted the shunt originally. Job for tomorrow is get busy and clear the ways so that I can spend time with my daughter and or brother.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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