Looking up

I thoroughly enjoyed book group last night - great to see everyone and to catch up.

After breakfast and more time chatting with M, I walked along the canal and  into town via the Grassmarket. 

My destination was Level 5 of the St James Quarter and more specifically the Everyman Cinema where I was meeting with the other members of the retirée chapter of our book group (fellow blippers HazelH, RB13 & Laura Muir). 

What a lovely cinema - plush surroundings, deep and comfy seats with our drinks (coffees, tea and hot chocolate - it was after all still morning). After much chat we settled down to watch the film Tár which I found absorbing and thought provoking. I really enjoyed it but not everyone felt the same, although we are all agreed that Cate Blanchett was superb.

It felt slightly strange going to see a movie at 10 am but I could get used to it.

My journey home was straightforward and I have Scottish Country Dancing to look forward to. 

In addition to Tár, I have also seen the Banshee of  Inisherin and All Quiet on the Western Front which also featured in best film nomination for the Oscars which makes me more informed than I usually am before the Oscars ! I’m not sure which one I’d choose - I think possibly Tár but it’s hard as they are all so different. I would also like to see Everything,Everywhere.

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