Flying …

….. ….. ….. into the sunset. Can you see the plane? It was a late arrival into Queenstown, about 9:20pm.

Missy had a bit of a walk around the Village today, somewhat better for her. She’d have liked to go further though I’m sure. Maybe tomorrow!

I’ve dug my garlic and am pleased with the crop. Some of the bulbs are quite large. It’s time to get more seedlings planted, with autumn edging closer.

Our old PM made her last speech today and the new PM is waiting in the wings. He’s promising to make changes, especially for the working people, which are badly needed. I hope he follows through on it. The Leader of the Opposition made a speech too, which has been roundly criticised in the media, but I think he’d have been criticised whatever he said.
What a tumultuous time politics in New Zealand has been through this last week. I’m thankful for the changes and am hoping we’re not going out of the frying pan and into the fire!

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