Welcomed me home
Was doing some admin this morning when S reminded me that we were meeting friends for lunch in the Viaduct area of the city centre. Managed to get dressed and away quickly enough that she was on time (I dropped her off, before parking). After we got home I had a walk with the camera.
When I was on the Lower Pipeline I met a man walking two dogs. One rushed at my legs growling and barking, for which he was slapped by the man. The other dog was racing through the undergrowth, often chasing sticks the man threw up the bank. I wonder if such dog walking might explain the small number of birds in this area of bush. There are more around the upper pipeline where dogs are mostly on a lead, or clearly under control if not. And many more humans.
Outside the fence of a property near ours is a row of sunflowers in full bloom. The bumble bee seems to have been attracted to the near centre of the flower.
The chaffinch in my blip appeared in a tree above me as I came into the short driveway to our house. It felt like a welcome home.
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