Sweet but a little Ragged

No, not me, although there's days I feel that way! But not today. I did a bunch of work today, and some stuff for the ladies golf league. And more exercises of course. 

I've gotten bored with the walk that I've been taking. So I measured it on Google Maps and it turns out that yesterday I walked .6 miles in one direction and then back again. So I measured going the other direction and it turns out that my old house is exactly .6 miles away. So I decided to go visit and see the old Callie kitty and the garden too. Everyone was happy to see me, and I gave Callie some treats and a good scratch on her head. It was a pleasant change and it's always good to see the garden. These little violas have never stopped blooming. They're in the new front garden that has little summer irrigation. Apparently their seeds came over when I transplanted some sedum. A really joyful sight, despite the fact that they some of them look a bit chewed, most likely by slugs. 

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