toaster's world!

By 2112toaster

Swan Lake ( well Loch actually)

Been another very busy day, been to my friends Daughters house to help clean out her Kitchen units ( new kitchen arrives next Tuesday) isn't it amazing the junk that people keep in their cupboards, I have a Drawer in mines that has loads of junk that Id never use, but refuse to throw them out just in the off chance I'll need them... Bizarre!!! And my friends Daughter has the sane Drawer lol

Anyway good deed done for the day, on my way home I looked in on the Local Park/ Loch ( Strathclyde Country Park) there is always Swans and Ducks there , this one was spending time pruning itself and flapping its wings to get rid of the dead feathers ( I think) and at this point would almost leave the water and take flight, then sit down & start it all over again, so I decided to sit on a rock and wait for it's next flapping session! And here is the result! : )

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