The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Colleague of my got an internal promotion today. Much deserved. I bought her this card - love it!

Mega busy day. From my brain waking at 4am.

Booked out entire holiday. Two separate flights. Four accommodation locations. One car. Three dogs in kennels. Complicated!

Busy day at the day job. As always.

Three and a half hour meeting tonight to finalise version one of the entire UTC build and ICT fixtures. Phew. Next meeting Friday night. Then a load in the holidays. It's a good job you are not here cos I'm rarely at home! Dogs are coping, we are making the most of our time.

It snowed in England today. But in Lincoln it just pissed it down. It's still pissing it down.

And I've spoken to my new coach who is based in Leeds. He is superb and has a brilliant plan ahead for me. Excited. We might have monthly trips to Leeds now but I am sure we can make it a day out of fun!!

45 sleeps, though when you read this it will be 44!

Love you.x

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