In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


About a year ago my brother painted this. It is called precarious.
At the time I was inspired by it and wrote this poem.
The painting has now been sold and the poem will be attached to the back of it.

Twixt chocolate and dying

We know what we are doing
We don’t know how to stop
The example has to be set
By those at the very top
But the euro, the buck, the pound and the yen
Is continuing to march to the end
We don’t have to go to Mars
From here we used to see the stars

“What did you see?”the future will ask
“ Why did you let it die?”
And the past will tell it,
That only some did try.
The others
Especially the big others
The pretending, caring others.
The flying for a meetings others
The can’t be bothered others.
The, “it’s only one bottle.” others
The killers of the earth others.

We all make choices
We’ve heard the voices
We’ve heard the broken vows,
Now is the time to change
Before it’s too late

We are all to blame
It’s everybody’s shame
But as long as we all try
Every little helps
But your little
My little
Is not the same as big Corporations little

Theirs should be more
So much more.
(c) FinHall2022

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