A Hedgehog Having a Drink

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

It is a 3 day weekend here in Wellington and environs. Yes, it is time for our annual round of wacky regional holidays, starting with Wellington Day on Monday.

I think it is bonkers, but still take the holiday anyway.

So today Caro and I planned to do very little. Then Caro realised she had loaned some fancy tablecloths to Loulou and decided we should go and collect them. 

When did she loan them to Loulou, you may ask? 

Good question. 


I mean. Who even REMEMBERS stuff like that? 

But anyway.

It gave us an excuse to visit with Tiger and Loulou which is always a fun thing to do. The four of us recapped the events of last weekend over coffees and teas. It sounds like they had a lot of fun with activities AROUND the party as well as the party itself. 

This pleases me. 

Apparently they were enjoying the sights and sounds of Mount Maunganui beach when Mo made the following observation:

MO: Lot of mumblepants on display today.
LOULOU: Mumblepants?
MO: You know, the sort of pants where you can't hear the words but you can see the lips moving.
LOULOU: (pause)
MO: You know. Like yoga pants.
LOULOU: (pause)
MO: Tight pants.

"Of course I told him off," said Loulou. "I mean it's sort of creepy a middle-aged man noticing things like that."

"But it's also hilarious," observed Caro (who was, at this time, crying with laughter).

"Well yes," conceded Loulou, "but I didn't want to encourage him. It's like when a toddler learns to swear. It's hilarious but you don't want a five year old busting out the f*cks in polite company."

"I mean," she continued, "imagine he didn't know that it was creepy. He might be out on a date complimenting his girlfriend by saying, 'Hey, nice mumblepants'."

The conversation then meandered (as it does) to Caro's work where her lovely manager has just resigned. She is about to be replaced by a new woman who is apparently also very nice but a bit, "managerry". 

"Gemma will want to have one-to-ones and status updates," complained Caro. 

Loulou snorted. Caro gave her a quizzical look. 

"My parents had a dog named Gemma and a cat named Gemma," Loulou explained. "I can't take people named Gemma seriously. It's not a people name. It's like naming your child, 'Spot'."

"Please don't tell Stacey and Michael*," she pleaded. They are a couple we know who have named their child Fido, I mean, Gemma.

"Maybe Gemma will be like a happy Labrador instead of a manager," suggested Loulou.

"Who's a good manager!" responded Tiger. "Yes you are! Yes you are!"

"I could give you a status update," replied Caro, "but look! Here's a biscuit!" 

We were only there for an hour, but honestly this is the sort of chat we can descend to in about ten minutes. 

AND Caro nearly forgot her tablecloths AGAIN. 

Oh well, it would have been a good excuse to go back in another four years. 


p.s. You can probably tell that this entire post was merely but an excuse to share the term "mumblepants" with you both. You're welcome. 

p.p.s. Oh yes! Today's blip! It's a hedgehog having a drink! They do this pretty much every evening! Isn't that adorable?!?

* Not actual names. I can't have you telling them either.

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