Winter Day on the River
We had absolutely nothing on our calendar today. Before I got out of bed, a friend called. Her entire family has the virus that is going around. I had picked up juice for her granddaughter last time I was at the Commissary and she planned to come get it. She was now hoping I could deliver the 6 gallon jugs. Why not - that’s what friendship is. We ate breakfast, got dressed and headed north. Afterwards, we took a scenic route along the river. Thought this scene was one to share. These men were harvesting some type of seafood, not sure what as they were too far off shore, maybe clams or oysters. It was a bit too brisk to be out there I thought. On the way home, Mancil called to sweet talk me into making his family a pot of white chicken chili (and rice). Kim has a terrible cold, maybe the beginning of the virus. While the chicken thawed, I decided to go through my stuffed recipe box. Lauren gave me a new one so I could make the two more useful. Hours later… but now I will be able to put my hand on any recipe quickly. The soup is made, dishes done and it is time for Mass. This day flew by! Hubby used his time to balance his checkbook, fix his shoe rack and inventory his clothes. Chase loves ties and hubby has way more than he needs. Hope your day was as productive. Stay healthy. Thanks for the visit. “ADVICE FROM A RIVER: Go with the flow / Slow down and meander / Be thoughtful of those downstream / Go around the obstacles / Immerse yourself in nature / Stay current / The beauty is in the journey!” - Your True Nature
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