Back blipping - the tree fell down
Though it happened some time ago I wanted to post this picture to mark what happened on November 17th, 2021.
The neighbor’s big old walnut tree was dead and scheduled to be taken out in a few weeks. It was a moderately windy day, and we were just bringing the children inside to prepare for lunch when we heard the crash. This is the picture of what we saw looking out from our back porch – not only did the walnut tree come down, but it knocked over our beloved old apple tree and a small section of the roof on Terri’s studio. The fence, my compost bins, and shed were all destroyed.
Our wonderful neighbor had a tree crew here within an hour to assess the damage and begin removing the trees. He went out with me the next morning to cut back the smaller limbs and remove debris. It felt like I was honoring the body of a deceased loved one as we worked. So many meals were eaten under that tree, so many gatherings with friends (including our commitment ceremony), and so much applesauce made from the Gravensteins we harvested. We held a grief ritual in the yard where friends came and shared memories of time under the tree, and a few children drew pictures of it.
The yard feels much larger now without shade from the trees. We’ve since repaired most of the damage, planted a new apple tree, and even were able to add solar panels to the studio. With my upcoming retirement we’re talking about how the yard will change from one where children play to a garden more accessible to Terri. We’ll add a few more trees and figure out a new shed and compost bins with the help of permaculture designers.
That afternoon we realized that the children had been on the swing 5 minutes before the tree it hung from came down. We were very lucky – all the devas and tree fairies and good spirits in the garden were looking out for us.
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