
By CathyH


It was the best of days. It was the worst of days. Let me say first, that I love my sister, but we have totally different personalities. I like the quiet. I’m an introvert. She likes social interactions and talking. She is an extrovert. That being said, when we go places together it is very hard for me because there is too much noise.

We went on a couple of small hikes today. We visited three parks and saw four bodies of water: Lake Conway, Palarm Creek, Beaverfork Lake and the Arkansas River. They are all within 20 minutes of each other.

It really was a beautiful day. I love being outside. I love to take pictures. I love to walk in nature. But it was also a very, very hard day, because there was no quiet. There was no peace.

When I came home from our outing, I scrolled through IG and noticed that a girl I follow was prompting everyone to write a small poem entitled “Untold.” These are the words that just flowed out onto the paper.

Together walking in nature.
No peace.
The laughter is too loud.
The stories are too loud.
I pray for calm.
Too loud.
Too loud.
My anxieties remain deep inside.
Love keeps the words untold.

Writing those words made me calm and they also made me laugh out loud. I am no poet!

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