
By Happyme

En route

We travelled over to Barnard Castle to meet with B's sister and BIL for lunch. They are up from Gloucestershire visiting B's parents and staying locally until Sunday. We travelled in the Landrover which I really don't like, but as I have no winter tyres on my new car, it was the safest option! The surroundings were still covered in snow but the roads were mostly ok. A few lumpy ice patches where the sun has not penetrated over the last couple of days but ok. There was no snow at all from Middleton onwards, green fields there! We had a super lunch and spent three hours catching up on news. It passed all too quickly but we had to get back to Reg who had been left home alone for several hours and they had to get some supplies for B's parents. It was good to spend time together albeit short.
I will be rectifying my lack of winter tyres next week. I've asked some local friends for recommendations and will be following that up on Monday, no time like the present.
Tomorrow is village hall, bacon butties with cups of tea and coffee. Another social gathering that I know I will enjoy. I feel the weekend has begun!

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