Unexpected treats

The plan for today was that I leave work early, we take Shiv out, and then head to Doppio’s for an early supper.

Well, we did all of that, but had the company of Pamela who was in Joburg for three days. Originally from California, she spent many years in Cape Town working for a local investment house after a long stint traveling the world as part of the World Bank emerging markets team.

It was great to catch up, and she brought us these posh treats from her now home in Vaison-la-Romaine, a wee village near Marseilles. At 72 she still has work in different parts of Africa and India, but on her terms, spending the rest of her time enjoying a chilled life.

And, by the way, Vaison-la-Romaine is the home to the Romaine lettuce which she said tastes way better in its home town.

Arnie wasn’t convinced, now there is a surprise, and no prizes given for who consumed the missing chocolate!

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