Sunshine on Sidney Sussex College

Early frosty walk this morning.  Hound was restless.  Lovely morning.  
Market a bit quiet for Friday.  The cold might put customers off.

Just taking shopping out of bicycle panniers when hound runs off to living room from kitchen with a trophy vegetable.  Turns out he stole a purple carrot from the paper bag in the shopping bag. Eventually retrieved vegetable,  shut kitchen door and continued putting shopping away.  Carrot later peeled and given to hound after lunch.

Took Kyro for earlier walk at 1.30 to catch the sunshine.  Being in the sun felt warm by contrast with the chilly shade.

The blip is of part of Sidney Sussex college. 

Made a hot drink and settled down to some  drawing this afternoon while there was some daylight.

Simple dinner of baked potato tonight.  Been a busy week. 

Another chilly night forecast.  Stay warm and have a pleasant Friday evening everyone. 

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