Devorgilla Bridge

Today's the day ........................ to go by bus

There was a slight problem today in that I had an appointment at the Eye Clinic in Dumfries.  

I knew they would put drops in my eyes which would mean that I shouldn't drive for a few hours afterwards.  So that meant Will giving me a lift there - which was fine.  The problem was that he had an important meeting in Kirkcudbright later on and it would be quite a while before he could come back to get me.  Nothing for then - it would have to be the bus back.

It is several years since I've been on a bus (?) and I've never been on this route before - but I'm pleased to say that it was all very easy.  It was also free of charge!  And on the way home, there were good views to be had - like this one of the Devorgilla Bridge spanning the River Nith as it tumbles over the weir in the centre of Dumfries .......................  .  

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