Levelling Up

Excellent news for Morecambe this morning.The government is to put fifty million pounds into the Eden Project North.Along with other projects in the North West of England our local BBC news was very positive and uplifting.However when it cut back to the national breakfast time programme they started shitting all over it so I turned it off.Still whatever they say it is great news for the North West and the interview with the PM from Morecambe was very upbeat.

On the nursery work is progressing on updating the irrigation in the Cambridge House and Helen has started getting pots filled for the Geraniums.

In the photograph is St Cuthbert's Church,Halsall.It is a Grade 1 listed building with parts of it dating from the 14 Century.The father of the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams served at the church before he became a vicar.

My favourite of Vaughn Williams is Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis.

A frost overnight but milder today with some good sunny intervals.

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