Guess What It Was Like This Morning
Yep - it was rather chilly.
I ended up using the axe to open up the pond again (in the area I opened yesterday). The ice was an inch and a half thick .... since yesterday!
So I brought some of it inside to photograph it with the macro lens and get some weird/wacky/abstract shots.
A handful of them are over here.
The 'Memory Nurse' turned up bang on the appointment time and we had a good long chin-wag about all sorts of things, most of which I thought was just wasting her time but she insisted that there was a lot of relevant information being picked up for her report. Then it was down to 'The Test' ...............
I felt like I did terribly and really struggled over bits of it but she said I did really well. We shall see when I get the appointment to see the Consultant.
I do feel drained with a headache now though ..... too much work for somebody with very little brain -- just call me Winnie The Pooh.
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