China in your hand.

Do you remember that song, by T'Pau ? That just had to the title of this display, that I saw in the antiques shop this morning. Only Des & Vic in the gym but then the appearance of Jill, who I haven't seen for a very long time ( she goes to classes upstairs) so there was a lot to catch up on.  I was hoping that the ice would have melted a bit more by the time I came out, but some parts of the pavement were lethal. I was glad to see the bus was in, so that saved me waiting in the cold.  An eventful trip home on the bus. We were not far from home and the bus was going around a narrow road , when a pleb in a BMW, pulled up right in front of the bus and refused to reverse a short distance back so that the bus could get through. He was gesticulating to the bus driver to try to get him to reverse back, so for about five minutes it was deadlock. The car driver eventually reversed back, but still not far enough for the bus to get through, so we waited yet again, and after another five minutes the car driver drove up onto the pavement. The driver said, I am sorry passengers, about the stubborn motorist, and we all clapped and cheered.  That was certainly a journey with a difference, and the best part was, I was only a few minutes from home, but look what I would have missed if I had got off to walk home.

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