Set off for Bridge in what I thought was plenty of time but a 15 minute journey took 25. Traffic was really heavy/ no idea why unless it was the very hard frost.
Didn’t enjoy it as much as last week- people I was playing with have been playing for lots longer than me and I was partnered with one of the helpers who wasn’t particularly helpful to me. Arrived home with a headache which I initially thought was just due to intense concentration ( not used to it!) but then realised it was sinusitis. And I have catarrh too. Yuck! Went shopping for drugs and for an emergency food parcel for Food bank. Delivery was more complicated than I thought - turned out recipient had severe mental health problems but gp surgery hadn’t told us!
Got home and was intending to paint my chair frames again but really didn’t feel like it. Did do a bit of tidying up in the spare bedroom and realised that this print (very old and was waiting to go to the charity shop) will look nice over the bed in there. Another job that I need to get the drill out for - just waiting for a couple of deliveries so that I can do everything in one go.

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