moments of memory

By rked

not goodbye

I'm taking a brief hiatus.

I want to take some time out to focus purely on photography, in order to learn, whilst I deeply enjoy blip I can't help but feel that perhaps I've misunderstood its purpose, that it is a social journal with a hint of photography, and not an out and out photography site.

The images that gain the most traction are sometimes popular because of the person, and not the photo - and whilst I have no deep objection to that, it's what makes this place tick, I do feel that there may be better places for sharing knowledge and collectively becoming better photographers. I think that something that would help blip would be to put in the folio features (that have been mentioned) and perhaps tweak the spotlight by extending it to 3 or 4 pages, also making the votes public, and perhaps encouraging more "theme" activities like the excellent dictionary project idea. However, I do appreciate that one of the key qualities of this site is its simplicity.

I will definitely still be blipping, just not as frequently, and will continue to view and comment on the many excellent photos people post here, as well as follow the journals of those who I have come to know most closely, you know who you are.


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