Peanut butter and apple
He is very into this at the moment - my cousin introduced him to it and he's still going strong, it's become his standard after dinner treat.
Bit of a rushed morning. I woke up, thinking it was about 6.30, turned over to look at the clock and it was 7.20 - we're normally having breakfast by then! The husband had just come in from walking the dog and couldn't believe we were all still asleep. Somehow, I was at my desk by 8.30 having taken the boys to school, so it all worked out, but was a bit of a rush.
Beautiful lunch time walk with the dog, we all quite like it when the ground is frozen, the dog loves running around over the fields and there's far less mud to worry about.
Very tired boys this evening, they've gone to sleep in the same bed as they are having a sleep over together. Loved listening to their chat as they settled down to sleep.
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