Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


You and I don't talk any mare
We're at the opposite ends of the fence
Don't worry, I know the score
I shan't expect recompence

Once we were so close
You on the gate
Me on the fence post
Something's changed of late

Wherever I land by you
You move to another place
We're two ones where we used to be two
Seems you want your space

I watch you from afar
Like an astronomer
Gazes at a distant star
Or Perseus at freed Andromeda

So my dear one
I set you free
Go search for your sun
Have no care for me

I shall always think of you with love
In good times or in strife
We fitted like hand in glove
You were the best part of my life

Terry Rhiannyr (Terry Reader)
May, 2013

Early blip as lots to do today and these two pigeons gave me the perfect inspiration for a quick poem :D.

No change with Bardy, He ate well again overnight. He's asleep at the moment after being fed again and I'll be going to give him his tablets in a short while after which I'm sure he'll be back to his favourite spot! Weather foul again so he's better off there where he can see all that is going on while staying comfy and dry./

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