A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Up, Up and Away

Before grocery shopping we stopped at The Boat Landing to watch the river for a while. It was busy with ring-billed and herring gulls, with some hitching rides on the small icebergs drifting downriver (Of course none of those pictures came out!). We get a kick out of them floating by with their heads held high • Herring gulls like this one are the most common gull on the US east coast. They prefer drinking fresh water but no worries because they have glands over their eyes that excrete any salt they ingest. The salty excretion drips from the nostrils off of their beaks • With a snowstorm predicted tomorrow night and Friday we loaded up on various seeds and nuts to keep our deer, birds and squirrels happy :) Fingers crossed it isn’t more than 6” • My uke books arrived today, I’m anxious to check out the different strumming styles • Enjoy your Wednesday!

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