It was a nice sunrise, mostly sunny today which was nice.
This morning I did the carer rep input into the councils conversations with carers training programme. The first time I joined after lunch, but this is now the third time I've done it right at the start of their day, and I'm told it helps frame the day and they refer back to it. Now Mr T is downstairs he gets involved too, and the trainer wanted his blanket and one of the delegates said they just wanted to say hello to him and hug him! He still doesn't quite believe his voice is important but we're getting there! It helps them hearing from a carer but even more so with "the client", and they like being able to ask questions they couldn't in assessments etc.
I was asked today about what support I have, and said Blip is such a wonderful and supportive community which they found interesting. Always a way to spread the word!
Shortly after I had the Connect-ED (social care research evidence study) Programme Management Group meeting. The video I made for one of the findings briefings was used at the start and this is the feedback:
"Today's session went really well. Your video was a fantastic start to it. The tone and content were just right. We've had some fabulous feedback. I'm going to collate it all and share it with you. You will see that several people have said that the session raised their awareness of carers. Result!
Thank you very much again. I've got a feeling that the other team members are going to ask if they can use your video too..."
I've been trying a few vegan foods, as a way of doing a bit to help the environment but also to see what they're like. The melting middle no fish cakes tasted good but the melting middle was watery rather than creamy.
I had a bit of congestion and headache, and Mr T was restless after lunch so after doing the online Patreon Draw life drawing session I snuggled up to him, he calmed down and I may have fallen asleep!! Starting an online creative writing course shortly, meditation and then maybe a bath before bed!
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