Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The older I get ...

...the less I care what people think of me. Like this morning. I took TSM to work in my pyjamas and dressing gown, wearing my old fashioned nightcap. What's wrong with that? 

There was a time when I drove to work dressed as Marilyn Monroe - long white dress, blond wig, shaved legs. Had to wear crocs to manage the pedals though. Not easy to find affordable size eleven high heels and I certainly wouldn't want to drive in them. All in a good cause.

The frost was severe today with dustbin lids frozen shut, cars still fully iced up even at lunchtime, and ground as hard as nails. We had another frozen pipe at the boiler inlet which I had to defrost to get the heating really going and the cats were not finding it easy to pooh. You try digging a latrine in this weather with only your bare hands.

I did get out for a lunchtime walk and had the pleasure of The Dizzle's company for fifteen minutes. We ate Greggs on a bench before he went off to post a parcel. Actually I saw him again later in the day when he dropped in to get me to play secretary and type then print a letter for him.  He found my keyboard arrangement amusing. I have two laptops and two keyboards (one Mac and one Windows) and they are on a turntable that I can spin around. In fact he thought this was so funny he took a video and posted it on our family WhatsApp group,

Dylan is definitely on an upward trajectory. His wound, which is a bit like a pressure sore, is getting better every day and he is much chirpier in himself.


- which just proves my point. That was Dylan walking across my keyboard. I'd love to think it had some significance but it's just random. 

My working day was frustrating to the point of gnashing teeth. Best not to go there. Grrrrr .....

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